Save Energy This 2015

Resolutions for 2015 Save Energy this 2015

We all wish we had a little extra money after the heavy spending of the Christmas season. How about, for your New Year’s resolutions, getting down to the energy savings and home improvements we talked about so much in 2014? Here we share a list of purposes to save energy this 2015.

As many of you already know, Electricity Express is not pure ‘buy-buy-buy’, yes, of course, we would love for you to use our products and services but on the condition that you are making the best decision thanks to the way in which that we help you understand and know how energy works and how you can improve the consumption and saving of this energy in your home. Many of the following suggestions have already been the subject of discussion, but at this start of the year, it is worth remembering them.

Save energy: it is honestly not that complicated, it is a matter of paying attention to details, believe me, even the smallest is important and every kilowatt you save will be clearly reflected in your statement.
Here are some suggestions to reduce the amount due on your statement and save energy this 2015:

Shower with cold water: While your water heater needs to fill more water when you take long showers, the water that comes in is very cold due to the low temperatures of winter. Your water heater will require more energy to keep that cold water hot when you need it. If possible, replace your water heater with a pass-through heater, a very good option at LOWES.

Check that there are no slots at home: In this case, we can do a lot, even if you live in an apartment. Well insulating the grooves at home not only works in attics or double glazed windows, I would like to mention that insulating also involves blocking grooves where the cold wind can creep into your home. We have already talked about the double insulation for the doors, or “dual draft guard”, a very cheap way to stop the entrance of the cold wind under the doors. I changed my insulation for aluminum and vinyl insulation, it is not expensive at all and it works much better on my door.

Here I share more tips to seal the grooves at home.

Turn on the fans: When you turn on the ceiling fans, the air circulates in a way that keeps the heat inside the home without the need for your heater to turn on multiple times during the day. Remember not to turn off the heater, just keep the temperature around 69 or 70 degrees. Remember also that 2 degrees can affect 15% of your total electricity bill.

Prepaid Electricity Service


Even if you live in a 5,000 square meter house and really want to save on energy, start with the prepaid electric service plan. This service offers you:

Daily notifications of your consumption. Yes, this is by far the best way to start saving energy. When you see how many kilowatts and how much money you spend per day to pay for those kilowatts, you will improve your energy consumption habits. Let me ask you: will you be doing all of your home energy improvements on the same day? I do not think so, with a monthly electricity bill it is difficult to know which efforts to improve energy consumption at home are effective in daily consumption. Now, when you live in a small apartment and use less than 500 kilowatts, the price per kilowatt will go up. With the prepaid energy service, this increase is less dramatic and it is also very easy to count the use of kilowatts.

After using a prepaid energy service for a few months, you will change your energy consumption habits at home because you will know exactly how to save.

For more information, we invite you to take a look at our videos and our blogs and Save energy this 2015