Payless Electricity – Save Energy LED light bulbs

Payless Electricity - Save Energy LED light bulbs

Payless Electricity – Save Energy LED light bulbs

Payless Electricity – Save Energy LED light bulbs

Energy-saving spotlights and LED spotlights

Comparison of energy-saving bulbs and LED bulbs


Pay Less Electricity Save Energy

Energy-saving spotlights and LED spotlights. Which one to use at home? A few months ago, at a family gathering, we started talking about energy-saving light bulbs and LED light bulbs. I, a loyal consumer of these lights, defended that thanks to these lights, I was not only saving energy in my home up to 75%, but also helping the planet. Is not just about Payless Electricity – Save Energy LED light bulbs.

To my surprise, my father-in-law gave me a piece of news that I went to check on my next visit to the supermarket: energy-saving light bulbs contain Mercury, which makes them just as polluting and even more dangerous than ordinary light bulbs. The reason: they contain a high percentage of this chemical element.

And to think that as a child I played with Mercury when the thermometer broke and spent hours moving this funny liquid metal.

Now that I am an adult and I’m concerned not only with saving energy, but with taking care of the health of my loved ones, and my own, I wanted to find out more about it.

Payless Electricity Saving bulbs and Save Energy LED light bulbs

In an article published by the Mexican newspaper Excelsior I found the following:

  1. The energy-saving bulbs, despite lasting up to 10 times longer than the traditional ones, contain between 5 and 20 milligrams of Mercury.


  1. If an energy-saving bulb breaks, this mercury evaporates in the room, causing pollution.


  1. Symptoms when exposed to mercury range from difficulty breathing to impaired vision.


  1. Disposing of these bulbs in the organic garbage negatively affects the environment.


Fortunately, there is a new way to illuminate our homes on the market and, in addition, it is much cheaper in the long term and the best: it does not pollute!

Save Energy, payless electricity LED lights


  1. These bulbs do not contain Mercury and that is already a great advantage for our health.


  1. A conventional 100-watt bulb lasts for 1,000 hours. A 23-watt energy-saving bulb lasts for 8,000 hours.


  1. A 12 watt LED bulb lasts 30,000 hours … yes, 30,000 hours!


At Electricity Express we are interested in our customers saving energy. One of the many tips that we have shared in this space is to turn off the lights when leaving the rooms, today, we add to this list that little by little they change their energy-saving bulbs for LED bulbs.


For more information about saving energy, call Electricity Express at 855-781-6970. At Electricity Express – we care about your well-being.


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