Global Warming and Electricity – Facts to Remember in the Race to Save Our Environment
Global warming is a reality, caused in part by the misuse of electricity. It hasn’t, however, been at the top of my mind. Too many other in-your-face problems in the world grab my attention. Yet I admit that I just watched “The Day After Tomorrow”, the apocalyptic weather movie from 2004 starring Dennis Quaid. While my friend and I snickered over the ridiculous science, it was nevertheless very entertaining and thought-provoking. When you watch half the world descend into the next ice age, it’s hard not to wonder about it afterward.
As a utility provider, #ElectricityExpress is responsible for helping its customers use electricity wisely. If we don’t, we’re just as guilty as anyone else for letting our environment be destroyed. With that in mind, we’d like to review a few facts about the relationship between global warming and electricity.
Some Facts to Remember about Electricity and Global Warming
- Fact #1 – Of all the energy used in America, about 39% generates electricity. Check out this video showing a satellite’s view of Earth at night. What’s especially interesting is what isn’t lit up during nighttime hours, such as places in Africa and Brazil. While it’s a beautiful video, it does make you think about the energy used to illuminate so many places around the globe.
- Fact #2 – Fossil fuels contribute to global warming. Think of coal, petroleum, and natural gas, which are used to produce electricity, fuel, and heat. These things release gases into the air when they are burned. You’ve got a big reason why our climate is changing. Here in America, they’re responsible for around 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Fact #3 – Reducing your electricity usage is the easiest way to reduce global warming. How much easier can it get to turn off a few light switches?
- Fact #4 – It’s up to all of us to stop global warming. Earth originally was a lush, incredibly diverse planet with an amazing ecosystem. Then humans came along and dirtied it up. We created the mess, and it’s our responsibility to do something about it.
- Fact #5 – It’s hard to remember all of this when rent and car payments are due, your neighbor just got robbed, and our troops may get sent back to the Middle East. I hear you loud and clear on this one. Yet we can’t afford to forget about it.
- Fact #6 – Thankfully, there seems to be a lot of time left. None of us are likely to be around when Earth is no longer inhabitable. However, think of all the wildlife that will be lost in the process. The plight of polar bears has been in the news in recent years, to name one species. It’s true that people will continue to live on Earth for years to come, However, because of global warming, what will their quality of life be like?
Electricity Express – A Company That Tries to Help the Environment
We are committed to doing our part to change the future for the better. Both our customers and the environment benefit from our policies, including some of the lowest utility rates around. We also maintain an excellent blog that gives weekly suggestions on lowering your electricity usage and making effective home improvements. You are always welcome to call us to discuss any concerns or ideas you may have about making your home more eco-friendly. Electricity Express – we’ve got you covered.
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