Kitchen DIY Tips for Energy Efficiency

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Kitchen DIY Tips that Boost Energy Efficiency

We spend a big chunk of our lives in the kitchen. Whether you’re the cook, the dishwasher, the eater, or all of the above, you pass through the kitchen throughout the day. If you’re looking for ways to cut down on your electricity bill, it makes sense to start there. #ElectricityExpress has Kitchen DIY Tips for Energy Efficiency, effective, and will put money back into your wallet.

Kitchen DIY Tips for Using Less Electricity

  1. Get rid of the old refrigerator. Some families have 2 refrigerators – the nicer one inside the kitchen, and the older one out in the garage. It’s good to use things as long as possible. However, refrigerators that are 15 years or older use about twice as much energy as Energy Star. Click here to find out how much your fridge costs to operate in energy and money. It will also tell you how much money you could save with Energy Star.
  2. Fix any drafty windows. You don’t have to have a gaping hole in a window to increase your air-conditioning bill. Small drafts steal dollars from your wallet. Outside, look closely at the casing, which is where the window meets your home’s siding. Repair it if necessary (more on that here). Don’t forget to check and fix the weatherstripping back in the kitchen.
  3. Phantom energy is a reality. My mom is a gadget lover and a passionate cook. Walk into her kitchen and you’ll see the latest kitchen accessories: blenders, electric can openers, a Cuisinart – you name it, she’s probably got it. It’s all plugged in even when she’s not using it.  It all creates phantom energy, which silently and effectively sucks money out of your budget. Don’t forget to unplug anything you’re not using. Your other option is to put everything on a power strip. With one easy pull, you can unplug multiple appliances quickly and save energy.
  4. Check your doors. The weatherstripping around older doors can let heat or air conditioning escape. Does yours need to be replaced? Follow this easy test to see. By installing an inexpensive exterior door sweep, you can keep outside air on the outside and inside air where it should be. Your electric bill will decrease in the long run as well.

These days, everyone wants to conserve energy. These kitchen DIY tips from Electricity Express are the perfect place to start. For more energy-saving ideas that help your family as well as our environment, continue to follow our blog.  Electricity Express – we’ve got you covered. Energy Efficiency Kitchen


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Energy Efficiency Kitchen