Pay Less Electricity Unplugging Electronics

Pay Less Electricity Unplugging Unused Electronics

Now that we are more at home, besides working from home, kids out of school are using more electronics than usual. Pay Less Electricity Unplugging Electronics that we are not using. See what electronics are not in use and do not need to be plugged into the outlet. Next, I will give you some advice on which electronics need to stay connected to the outlet and which ones can be unplugged. Also, if you go on vacation and your home will be empty for a few days, what is the best way to pay less for electricity.

Pay Less Electricity Unplugging Electronics

Not all electronics need to be plugged at all times


Save electricity by unplugging electronics

Unlike, some electronic devices are kept plugged without using them and they waste energy. If we save energy at home, our electric bill will be lower. If we learn how to manage our energy at home, it will be easy to save electricity and pay less every month. Here is a list of electronics (which we call “vampire appliances”) that waste energy and make our electric bills more expensive. This is the list of appliances that can be disconnected when we are home.

  • Home theater
  • Computers
  • Chargers (cellphone, tablets, laptops, etc.)
  • Printers
  • Coffee makers
  • Blenders
  • Fans

Now, all these appliances do not need to be plugged into the outlet for our daily life. Nothing will happen to them if we ONLY plug them when we need to use them. All these appliances use energy while they are not in use. A way to quickly connect and disconnect these appliances can be with a power strip. These power strips can disconnect several appliances at the same time with a clock or a button. Pay less electricity by unplugging electronics.

Now, here is the list of appliances or electronics that I recommend to leave plugged at all times. Even though they are using energy, I recommend keeping them plugged in for a reason. However, these electronics are needed at any given moment. Some of these appliances are sensitive to disconnecting them from the outlet. Also, the newer versions of these devices are smart and use very little power even plugged in.

  • TVs
  • Modems
  • Cable boxes
  • Alarm clocks

Save electricity while on vacation

Lastly, when we go on vacation, there are just a few things that we need to keep plugged in. Since the house is going to be empty for a few days, see what appliances really need to stay connected to the outlet.

  • Water heater
  • Cooling/heating unit
  • Cable modem*
  • WiFi*

*These devices are recommended to stay connected to the outlet in the case that the alarm system in your house needs to be connected to the internet. In the case that the alarm system has its own wireless card, then it is not needed to keep them connected.

Not only but also, the water heater can be set to ‘vacation mode’ and the A/C and heating units can be set to the best energy efficiency mode. Summertime, 80°F, and Winter 60°F. This is just to help the moisture or in the case of a freeze happen while you are on vacation.

I hope these ideas help you to save electricity. Pay Less Electricity Unplugging Electronics


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