Save Earth – Join Electricity Express in the Fight

How Regular People Will Save Our Planet

Save Earth - Join Electricity Express in the Fight

We can help – Save Earth!

Save Earth – those two words seem a little dramatic, don’t they?  After all, Earth has been around a lot longer than any of us.  Earth is, well, Earth.  It’s gigantic, round, and incredibly beautiful.  It always has been, and it always will be – or so we like to think.  As we worry about war in the Middle East, the war in Ukraine, bad economies, and school shootings, global warming continues to  Trees continue to be cut down, and our oceans grow more and more polluted.  What will happen to us if our planet becomes uninhabitable? Together let’s save earth!

While we do need strong leaders to create policies, #ElectricityExpress is convinced that regular people like you and I will lead the way to lasting change.  I found a pretty good website that has some interesting ideas.  As it says, some suggestions don’t break new ground.  However, if you’re like me, sometimes you have to read something a few dozen times before it takes root in your life.

Easy Ways to Save Earth

  • Use compact fluorescent bulbs. Get every American household to use compact fluorescent bulbs, and you’ll see pollution be reduced by the equivalent of millions of cars being removed from our roads.
  • Hang your clothes out to dry.  No, seriously, try it.  It’s not the big inconvenience you think it is.  I grew up in America with dryers and loved them.  Then I moved to the Philippines and South Korea, and for four years, I hung my clothes out to dry in the sun.  It really wasn’t a big deal.  It saved electricity and money.  So long as I planned ahead, I always had clothes to wear.
  • Turn off those lights.  For those of you who live in houses, have you ever noticed how many lights get left on?  The bathroom light always seems to be on.  Ditto for the lights in the pantry and kitchen.  If no one is in the room, just flick the switch off.
  • Use Your Own Coffee Cup.  I knew I drank too much coffee when I received two Starbucks coffee mugs for Christmas last year.  On the plus side, now I can use them instead of throwing away another paper cup.
  • Recycling – it should be the law.  Trash is unavoidable, but we should all be recycling.  Just think of all the paper and plastic that end up in our landfills.

Don’t you sometimes wonder what Earth looked like even a few hundred years ago?  Don’t you wish we could have seen it before all of the highways, skyscrapers, and cars?  I do.  I wish we could all have gazed at it when it was still wild and lush.

We can’t turn back the clock, but we can stop it from racing forward in such a disastrous direction.  Let’s work together on this.  Electricity Express obviously makes money from being an energy broker.  But we are committed to using energy responsibly.  Call us – we are ready to talk with you.  We have easy, energy-saving ideas that will save the environment and some money for you, also.  Don’t forget to keep following our blog, which has more tips that are easy and practical to use in your life.  Electricity Express – we’ve got you covered.


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