Save Energy Pay Less Electricity with Us

Save Energy Pay Less Electricity with Us

Save Energy Pay Less Electricity with UsElectricity Express is committed to helping you to save on energy and thus pay less electricity.

Our electricity dependency increases rapidly, every day we are using more devices that need electricity to function. Cell phones, tablets, computers, watches, appliances, and the list continues. We add more things to power which drags a lot of energy and we are not considering the impact on our energy consumption.

Save Electricity Using Less Furnace

Use less furnace

I have said so many times that; in order to pay less on our electricity bill is by saving energy.

However, how can we save on energy if we need all these devices to be powered? Yes, the answer is not that easy if we really want to save more than a few dollars. We could adjust our A/C thermostats and not waste energy when we do not need them. We could unplug all electronic devices and chargers while they are not in use, however, a lot of those need to stay connected and on “stand by” mode, like our TV. You can find a lot more ideas in our Power Blog.

After doing all this, still, we drag a lot of energy and still pay a large electricity bill.

What can we do to eliminate our electricity bill? Save Energy Pay Less Electricity with Us

Electricity Express has this idea for you. Go Solar! Yes, going solar will help you to Save Energy and Pay Less Electricity with Us. In most cases, the electricity bill is eliminated.

Indeed, going solar looks like it’s a major decision, furthermore, it seems that it is for wealthy people. Let me tell you that these are false statements, anyone who can afford to pay their electricity bill can afford their solar panel system. That is to say, Save Energy Pay Less Electricity with Us.

In contrast, by not going solar you are on the energy market drift. Constantly, the energy market fluctuates, and we can’t do anything about this. Residential electricity is directly affected by the natural gas wholesale price. If the price of natural gas changes, your electricity rate will change too. Not to mention that energy generated by fossil fuels is not our best future.

Freeze your electricity payment and rate forever.

I have been in residential electricity sales for years, and most of our callers are tired of the electricity rate increments every 6 months. They are tired of looking at hot summer electricity bills skyrocket in the winter and in the summer, especially in the summer.

With that said, with a PV system your electricity budget will be set and will not change. You will have the same payments for electricity forever.

In a solar system master plan, the customer will provide the yearly electricity consumption. This will give the data needed to design a PV system to cover all the electricity needs for the whole year. Then, we will find the “sweet spot” for the customer as the budget and consumption of electricity meet.

Energy consultations are always free.

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