Cheap Electricity Some Electricity Myths Revealed

Some Electricity Myths Revealed

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Electricity, saving money and myths go hand in hand.  No one doubts that turning off lights and keeping the refrigerator door closed are ways to cut back on our power usage.  But what are some of the urban legends floating around that seem true but actually aren’t?  The team at Electricity Express is here to debunk a few of the more popular myths about using electricity and then explain better ways to reduce your utility bill.

  • Computers, screen savers and sleep mode: There is some wrong information out there about screen savers, which don’t save electricity the way most of us think.   When your computer switches to its screen saver because you haven’t been using it, it’s not actually saving electricity.  Screen savers are only a file that runs when you stop using your computer, which means power is still being used
    So does that mean that sleep mode is better?  Not necessarily.  As long as the computer is still on, any kind of activity means more money on your bill.  If you’re not going to use your computer for a while, especially at the end of the night, then the best choice is to turn it and the monitor off.
  • Unplug it: It is a partial myth that anything not in use isn’t using electricity.  Vampire energy is your electric bill’s silent enemy.  Your microwave may not be in use, but its LED clock display still draws energy.  Your cell phone has been charged and is ready to go, but the charger remains plugged into the wall, which makes your bill climb.  With the exception of things like the fridge and TV, it’s generally best to unplug something when you don’t need it.
  • New homes are more energy-efficient: Saying that a newer home uses energy better than an older one would seem obvious.  But what it comes down to is how each home was built.  A brand-new home that was constructed poorly won’t necessarily give you low electric bills.


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These are just a few myths about using less power in your home.  Keep reading the Electricity Express blog this week for better ideas on making money off your bill and putting it back in your bank account.