Most electricity companies ask for good credit to start a new energy service. Why is this? Electricity companies should understand...
Tag: Move in
Switch Hold on Electricity Meter
What is a Switch Hold on Electricity Meter and how to remove it? Act quickly to remove the Switch Hold...
Residential Electricity set up for your new home
Residential Electricity set up for your new home So you did it, moved out of your parent’s house onto a...
New Electricity Rates 2015 Texas
New Electricity Rates, Lowest Prepaid Energy Ever! Gas prices have been consistently low for a few weeks now; why shouldn't...
Important Checklist for Moving into a New Home
Important Checklist for Moving into a New Home Electricity Express Checklist for Moving into a New Home Just remember that...
Affordable Electricity for Young Adults
Affordable Electricity for Young Adults Cheap Electricity For All Texas Residents Electricity Express Helps Young Adults Who Have Bad Credit...
Energy Service for New Customers
Energy Service for New Customers at Electricity Express Sign-up promotions for new customers at Electricity Express have changed and are better...