Weather Affects Solar Power
Can the Weather Affect Solar Power?
What can you do to prevent mother nature or weather affect solar power performance?
How Does the Weather Affect Solar Power?
In my last blog, I went into detail about what was needed before installing solar panels. In this blog, Weather Affects Solar Power, I will talk about how weather can also affect how much solar energy your solar system is producing and it may also affect your pocket.
There are many steps that need to be taken before the PV system installation. There are a few safety regulations that need to be followed. The consumer needs to understand that solar energy can be dangerous when it is converted to direct electricity and most installations need to be done by a professional.
The location of your home is a huge factor due to the fact that weather can be very unpredictable in some areas. It may sometimes lead you to a waste of money instead of seeing any savings. Climate dictates how much sunlight you can expect annually, however, it differs from area to area.
Your Home Orientation for more Sunlight
The southwest gets the most sunshine per day. Making the days longer, and the northern states get the least sunlight. If you live in an area that receives a few feet or very little snowfall you will need to make sure you locate your panels in an area where you can avoid being inundated with heavy layers of snow. There are some areas of your roof that may experience very shallow snow buildups compared to other parts of your roof. Since every area is unique they all have different weather conditions and some areas may be heavy air pollution. Air pollution, smog, and clouds block the sunlight making it hard for the solar system to receive solar energy. If this is a factor in your area you should expect to get less system output over an extended period of time.
You can get better solar exposure in the mountains than near sea level simply because the air is thinner and scatters less sunlight. If the temperature is lower the happier the semiconductors are giving you a greater output you can get more system output on a cold clear day than on a sunny day.
The weather can be very unpredictable and before you install you should make sure you are doing everything correctly. At Electricity Express we hope we provided you with the best knowledge to help you understand how the solar system works and the factors that may affect you so you can make sure you know if you are making a good or bad investment. We have software that predicts performance, with a little help from Google Earth mapping and our software we can predict how long your investment will become profitable. Also, how does Weather Affect Solar Power.
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